The super fast but also very expensive ferry brought us to Malta. When entering the port we had an amazing view of the old city of Valletta. But cycling through the city wasn’t so easy because navigating is difficult with so many small one way streets. Plus the roads were packed with cars and the conditions were by far the worst we had on this trip. We hadn’t seen our friend Mario and his family for many years and we couldn’t wait to give him a big, big hug. He welcomed us with a delicious vegetable soup and the whole week we were spoiled with his yummy meals again and again.

The days passed by very quickly and we haven’t seen much of Malta. We were occupied with organizing boxes for our bikes to take them on the plane, finding Malaria medicine, applying for the Egyptian visa and much more. One important thing was also to set up our homepage. Mario was a big help and without him we couldn’t have done it. Thank you Mario.